
· 阅读需 2 分钟


也可以通过cmd /c 命令 和 cmd /k 命令的方式来直接运行命令


清屏 cls

显示当前文件夹下的内容 dir或者ls

进入到当前盘的根目录 cd\

进入到上一级目录 cd..

进入到指定目录 cd目录名

停止node程序 ctrl + c

自动补全 ab

调出历史命令 上下箭头

复制粘贴 鼠标右键

创建目录 md

删除目录 rd


1. 格式化代码


在 Windows 上:Shift + Alt + F

2 向上/向下 复制行

在 Windows 上:Shift + Alt + Up/Down

3 单词选中

在 Windows 上:Ctrl+ d

4 打开关闭侧边栏

在 Windows 上:Ctrl+ b

5 删除上一个词

在 Windows 上:Ctrl + backspace.

6 选中词

在 Windows 上:Ctrl + Shift + 右键头 / 左键头.

7 复制行

在 Windows 上:Ctrl + Shift + d

8 删除行

在 Windows 上:Ctrl + x

9 跳转到特定行

注:在文件中进行行跳转,你可以使用Ctrl + G ,然后输入要跳转的行号,当然,你也可以使用Ctrl + P,然后输入:和要跳转的行号。

在 Windows 上:Ctrl + g

10 添加多个光标

在 Windows 上:Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down

· 阅读需 2 分钟
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>

float f(float x, float y, float z){
float a = x * x + 9.0f / 4.0f * y * y + z * z - 1;
return a * a * a - x * x * z * z * z - 9.0f / 80.0f * y * y * z * z * z;

float h(float x, float z) {
for (float y = 1.0f; y >= 0.0f; y -= 0.001f)
if (f(x, y, z) <= 0.0f)
return y;
return 0.0f;

int main(){
_TCHAR buffer[25][80] = { _T(' ') };
_TCHAR ramp[] = _T(".:-=+*#%@");

for (float t = 0.0f;; t += 0.1f) {
int sy = 0;
float s = sinf(t);
float a = s * s * s * s * 0.2f;
for (float z = 1.3f; z > -1.2f; z -= 0.1f){
_TCHAR* p = &buffer[sy++][0];
float tz = z * (1.2f - a);
for (float x = -1.5; x < 1.5f; x += 0.05f) {
float tx = x * (1.2f + a);
float v = f(tx, 0.0f, tz);
if (v <= 0.0f){
float y0 = h(tx, tz);
float ny = 0.01f;
float nx = h(tx + ny, tz) - y0;
float nz = h(tx, tz + ny) - y0;
float nd = 1.0f / sqrtf(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz);
float d = (nx + ny - nz) * nd * 0.5f + 0.5f;
*p++ = ramp[(int)(d * 5.0f)];
*p++ = ' ';

for (sy = 0; sy < 25; sy++){
COORD coord = { 0, sy };
SetConsoleCursorPosition(o, coord);
WriteConsole(o, buffer[sy], 79, NULL,0);


· 阅读需 5 分钟

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE> heart </TITLE>
<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus">
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="">
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="">
html, body {
height: 100%;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
background: white;
canvas {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;

<canvas id="pinkboard"></canvas>
* Settings
var settings = {
particles: {
length: 500, // maximum amount of particles
duration: 2, // particle duration in sec
velocity: 100, // particle velocity in pixels/sec
effect: -0.75, // play with this for a nice effect
size: 30, // particle size in pixels

* RequestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller
(function(){var b=0;var c=["ms","moz","webkit","o"];for(var a=0;a<c.length&&!window.requestAnimationFrame;++a){window.requestAnimationFrame=window[c[a]+"RequestAnimationFrame"];window.cancelAnimationFrame=window[c[a]+"CancelAnimationFrame"]||window[c[a]+"CancelRequestAnimationFrame"]}if(!window.requestAnimationFrame){window.requestAnimationFrame=function(h,e){var d=new Date().getTime();var f=Math.max(0,16-(d-b));var g=window.setTimeout(function(){h(d+f)},f);b=d+f;return g}}if(!window.cancelAnimationFrame){window.cancelAnimationFrame=function(d){clearTimeout(d)}}}());

* Point class
var Point = (function() {
function Point(x, y) {
this.x = (typeof x !== 'undefined') ? x : 0;
this.y = (typeof y !== 'undefined') ? y : 0;
Point.prototype.clone = function() {
return new Point(this.x, this.y);
Point.prototype.length = function(length) {
if (typeof length == 'undefined')
return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);
this.x *= length;
this.y *= length;
return this;
Point.prototype.normalize = function() {
var length = this.length();
this.x /= length;
this.y /= length;
return this;
return Point;

* Particle class
var Particle = (function() {
function Particle() {
this.position = new Point();
this.velocity = new Point();
this.acceleration = new Point();
this.age = 0;
Particle.prototype.initialize = function(x, y, dx, dy) {
this.position.x = x;
this.position.y = y;
this.velocity.x = dx;
this.velocity.y = dy;
this.acceleration.x = dx * settings.particles.effect;
this.acceleration.y = dy * settings.particles.effect;
this.age = 0;
Particle.prototype.update = function(deltaTime) {
this.position.x += this.velocity.x * deltaTime;
this.position.y += this.velocity.y * deltaTime;
this.velocity.x += this.acceleration.x * deltaTime;
this.velocity.y += this.acceleration.y * deltaTime;
this.age += deltaTime;
Particle.prototype.draw = function(context, image) {
function ease(t) {
return (--t) * t * t + 1;
var size = image.width * ease(this.age / settings.particles.duration);
context.globalAlpha = 1 - this.age / settings.particles.duration;
context.drawImage(image, this.position.x - size / 2, this.position.y - size / 2, size, size);
return Particle;

* ParticlePool class
var ParticlePool = (function() {
var particles,
firstActive = 0,
firstFree = 0,
duration = settings.particles.duration;

function ParticlePool(length) {
// create and populate particle pool
particles = new Array(length);
for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++)
particles[i] = new Particle();
ParticlePool.prototype.add = function(x, y, dx, dy) {
particles[firstFree].initialize(x, y, dx, dy);

// handle circular queue
if (firstFree == particles.length) firstFree = 0;
if (firstActive == firstFree ) firstActive++;
if (firstActive == particles.length) firstActive = 0;
ParticlePool.prototype.update = function(deltaTime) {
var i;

// update active particles
if (firstActive < firstFree) {
for (i = firstActive; i < firstFree; i++)
if (firstFree < firstActive) {
for (i = firstActive; i < particles.length; i++)
for (i = 0; i < firstFree; i++)

// remove inactive particles
while (particles[firstActive].age >= duration && firstActive != firstFree) {
if (firstActive == particles.length) firstActive = 0;

ParticlePool.prototype.draw = function(context, image) {
// draw active particles
if (firstActive < firstFree) {
for (i = firstActive; i < firstFree; i++)
particles[i].draw(context, image);
if (firstFree < firstActive) {
for (i = firstActive; i < particles.length; i++)
particles[i].draw(context, image);
for (i = 0; i < firstFree; i++)
particles[i].draw(context, image);
return ParticlePool;

* Putting it all together
(function(canvas) {
var context = canvas.getContext('2d'),
particles = new ParticlePool(settings.particles.length),
particleRate = settings.particles.length / settings.particles.duration, // particles/sec

// get point on heart with -PI <= t <= PI
function pointOnHeart(t) {
return new Point(
160 * Math.pow(Math.sin(t), 3),
130 * Math.cos(t) - 50 * Math.cos(2 * t) - 20 * Math.cos(3 * t) - 10 * Math.cos(4 * t) + 25

// creating the particle image using a dummy canvas
var image = (function() {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.width = settings.particles.size;
canvas.height = settings.particles.size;
// helper function to create the path
function to(t) {
var point = pointOnHeart(t);
point.x = settings.particles.size / 2 + point.x * settings.particles.size / 350;
point.y = settings.particles.size / 2 - point.y * settings.particles.size / 350;
return point;
// create the path
var t = -Math.PI;
var point = to(t);
context.moveTo(point.x, point.y);
while (t < Math.PI) {
t += 0.01; // baby steps!
point = to(t);
context.lineTo(point.x, point.y);
// create the fill
context.fillStyle = 'red';
// create the image
var image = new Image();
image.src = canvas.toDataURL();
return image;

// render that thing!
function render() {
// next animation frame

// update time
var newTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000,
deltaTime = newTime - (time || newTime);
time = newTime;

// clear canvas
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

// create new particles
var amount = particleRate * deltaTime;
for (var i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
var pos = pointOnHeart(Math.PI - 2 * Math.PI * Math.random());
var dir = pos.clone().length(settings.particles.velocity);
particles.add(canvas.width / 2 + pos.x, canvas.height / 2 - pos.y, dir.x, -dir.y);

// update and draw particles
particles.draw(context, image);

// handle (re-)sizing of the canvas
function onResize() {
canvas.width = canvas.clientWidth;
canvas.height = canvas.clientHeight;
window.onresize = onResize;

// delay rendering bootstrap
setTimeout(function() {
}, 10);

· 阅读需 5 分钟
import random
from math import sin, cos, pi, log
from tkinter import *
import ctypes

user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
CANVAS_WIDTH = user32.GetSystemMetrics(0) # 画布的宽
CANVAS_HEIGHT = user32.GetSystemMetrics(1) # 画布的高
IMAGE_ENLARGE = 11 # 放大比例
HEART_COLOR = "#ff2121" # 心的颜色,这个是中国红

def heart_function(t, shrink_ratio: float = IMAGE_ENLARGE):
:param shrink_ratio: 放大比例
:param t: 参数
:return: 坐标
# 基础函数
x = 16 * (sin(t) ** 3)
y = -(13 * cos(t) - 5 * cos(2 * t) - 2 * cos(3 * t) - cos(4 * t))

# 放大
x *= shrink_ratio
y *= shrink_ratio

# 移到画布中央

return int(x), int(y)

def scatter_inside(x, y, beta=0.15):
:param x: 原x
:param y: 原y
:param beta: 强度
:return: 新坐标
ratio_x = - beta * log(random.random())
ratio_y = - beta * log(random.random())

dx = ratio_x * (x - CANVAS_CENTER_X)
dy = ratio_y * (y - CANVAS_CENTER_Y)

return x - dx, y - dy

def shrink(x, y, ratio):
:param x: 原x
:param y: 原y
:param ratio: 比例
:return: 新坐标
force = -1 / (((x - CANVAS_CENTER_X) ** 2 + (y - CANVAS_CENTER_Y) ** 2) ** 0.6) # 这个参数...
dx = ratio * force * (x - CANVAS_CENTER_X)
dy = ratio * force * (y - CANVAS_CENTER_Y)
return x - dx, y - dy

def curve(p):
:param p: 参数
:return: 正弦
# 可以尝试换其他的动态函数,达到更有力量的效果(贝塞尔?)
return 2 * (2 * sin(4 * p)) / (2 * pi)

class Heart:

def __init__(self, generate_frame=20):
self._points = set() # 原始爱心坐标集合
self._edge_diffusion_points = set() # 边缘扩散效果点坐标集合
self._center_diffusion_points = set() # 中心扩散效果点坐标集合
self.all_points = {} # 每帧动态点坐标

self.random_halo = 1000

self.generate_frame = generate_frame
for frame in range(generate_frame):

def build(self, number):
# 爱心
for _ in range(number):
t = random.uniform(0, 2 * pi) # 随机不到的地方造成爱心有缺口
x, y = heart_function(t)
self._points.add((x, y))

# 爱心内扩散
for _x, _y in list(self._points):
for _ in range(3):
x, y = scatter_inside(_x, _y, 0.05)
self._edge_diffusion_points.add((x, y))

# 爱心内再次扩散
point_list = list(self._points)
for _ in range(4000):
x, y = random.choice(point_list)
x, y = scatter_inside(x, y, 0.17)
self._center_diffusion_points.add((x, y))

def calc_position(x, y, ratio):
# 调整缩放比例
force = 1 / (((x - CANVAS_CENTER_X) ** 2 + (y - CANVAS_CENTER_Y) ** 2) ** 0.520) # 魔法参数

dx = ratio * force * (x - CANVAS_CENTER_X) + random.randint(-1, 1)
dy = ratio * force * (y - CANVAS_CENTER_Y) + random.randint(-1, 1)

return x - dx, y - dy

def calc(self, generate_frame):
ratio = 10 * curve(generate_frame / 10 * pi) # 圆滑的周期的缩放比例

halo_radius = int(4 + 6 * (1 + curve(generate_frame / 10 * pi)))
halo_number = int(3000 + 4000 * abs(curve(generate_frame / 10 * pi) ** 2))

all_points = []

# 光环
heart_halo_point = set() # 光环的点坐标集合
for _ in range(halo_number):
t = random.uniform(0, 2 * pi) # 随机不到的地方造成爱心有缺口
x, y = heart_function(t, shrink_ratio=11.6) # 魔法参数
x, y = shrink(x, y, halo_radius)
if (x, y) not in heart_halo_point:
# 处理新的点
heart_halo_point.add((x, y))
x += random.randint(-14, 14)
y += random.randint(-14, 14)
size = random.choice((1, 2, 2))
all_points.append((x, y, size))

# 轮廓
for x, y in self._points:
x, y = self.calc_position(x, y, ratio)
size = random.randint(1, 3)
all_points.append((x, y, size))

# 内容
for x, y in self._edge_diffusion_points:
x, y = self.calc_position(x, y, ratio)
size = random.randint(1, 2)
all_points.append((x, y, size))

for x, y in self._center_diffusion_points:
x, y = self.calc_position(x, y, ratio)
size = random.randint(1, 2)
all_points.append((x, y, size))

self.all_points[generate_frame] = all_points

def render(self, render_canvas, render_frame):
for x, y, size in self.all_points[render_frame % self.generate_frame]:
render_canvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x + size, y + size, width=0, fill=HEART_COLOR)

def draw(main: Tk, render_canvas: Canvas, render_heart: Heart, render_frame=0):
render_heart.render(render_canvas, render_frame)
main.after(160, draw, main, render_canvas, render_heart, render_frame + 1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tk() # 一个Tk
root.attributes('-fullscreen', True) # 全屏
root.attributes('-alpha', 0.9) # 透明度
canvas = Canvas(root, bg='black', height=CANVAS_HEIGHT, width=CANVAS_WIDTH)
heart = Heart() # 心
draw(root, canvas, heart) # 开始画画~

· 阅读需 10 分钟


  1. 安装(略)

  2. 配置

    1. 配置name和email

      git config --global user.name "xxxx"
      git config --global user.email "xxx@xxx.xxx"
  3. 使用git:

    • 查看当前仓库的状态

      git status
    • 初始化仓库

      git init
    • 文件状态:

      1. 未跟踪
      2. 已跟踪
      3. 暂存
      4. 未修改
      5. 已修改
    • 未跟踪 → 暂存

      git add <filename> 将文件切换到暂存的状态
      git add * 将所有已修改(未跟踪)的文件暂存
    • 暂存 → 未修改

      git commit -m "xxxx" 将暂存的文件存储到仓库中
      git commit -a -m "xxxx" 提交所有已修改的文件(未跟踪的文件不会提交)
    • 未修改 → 修改

      • 修改代码后,文件会变为修改状态
  4. 常用的命令

    1. 重置文件
    git restore <filename> # 恢复文件
    git restore --staged <filename> # 取消暂存状态
    1. 删除文件
    git rm <filename> # 删除文件
    git rm <filename> -f # 强制删除
    1. 移动文件
    git mv from to # 移动文件 重命名文件



git branch # 查看当前分支
git branch <branch name> # 创建新的分支
git branch -d <branch name> # 删除分支
git switch <branch name> # 切换分支
git switch -c <branch name> # 创建并切换分支
git merge <branch name> # 和并分支






  1. 当我们发起变基时,git会首先找到两条分支的最近的共同祖先

  2. 对比当前分支相对于祖先的历史提交,并且将它们提取出来存储到一个临时文件中

  3. 将当前部分指向目标的基底

  4. 以当前基底开始,重新执行历史操作





git remote add origin https://github.com/lilichao/git-demo.git
# git remote add <remote name> <url>

git branch -M main
# 修改分支的名字的为main

git push -u origin main
# git push 将代码上传服务器上


git remote add gitee https://gitee.com/ymhold/vue-course.git
git push -u gitee main


git remote # 列出当前的关联的远程库
git remote add <远程库名> <url> # 关联远程仓库
git remote remove <远程库名> # 删除远程库
git push -u <远程库名> <分支名> # 向远程库推送代码,并和当前分支关联
git push <远程库> <本地分支>:<远程分支>
git clone <url> # 从远程库下载代码

git push # 如果本地的版本低于远程库,push默认是推不上去
git fetch # 要想推送成功,必须先确保本地库和远程库的版本一致,fetch它会从远程仓库下载所有代码,但是它不会将代码和当前分支自动合并
# 使用fetch拉取代码后,必须要手动对代码进行合并
git pull # 从服务器上拉取代码并自动合并


tag 标签

  • 当头指针没有指向某个分支的头部时,这种状态我们称为分离头指针(HEAD detached),分离头指针的状态下也可以操作操作代码,但是这些操作不会出现在任何的分支上,所以注意不要再分离头指针的状态下来操作仓库。

  • 如果非得要回到后边的节点对代码进行操作,则可以选择创建分支后再操作

    git switch -c <分支名> <提交id>
  • 可以为提交记录设置标签,设置标签以后,可以通过标签快速的识别出不同的开发节点:

    git tag
    git tag 版本
    git tag 版本 提交id
    git push 远程仓库 标签名
    git push 远程仓库 --tags
    git tag -d 标签名 # 删除标签
    git push 远程仓库 --delete 标签名 # 删除远程标签


  • 默认情况下,git会监视项目中所有内容,但是有些内容比如node_modules目录中的内容,我们不希望它被git所管理。我们可以在项目目录中添加一个.gitignore文件,来设置那些需要git忽略的文件。


  • 在github中,可以将自己的静态页面之间部署到github中,它会给我们提供一个地址使得我们的页面变成一个真正的网站,可以供用户访问。
  • 要求:
    • 静态页面的分支必须叫做:gh-pages
    • 如果希望页面可以通过xxx.github.io访问,则需要将库的名字配置为xxx.github.io


  • facebook推出的开源的静态的内容管理系统,通过它可以快速的部署一个静态网站

  • 使用:

    • 网址:

    • 安装

      • npx create-docusaurus@latest my-website classic
    • 启动项目

      • npm startyarn start
    • 构建项目

      • npm run buildyarn build
    • 配置项目:

      • docusaurus.config.js 项目的配置文件
    • 添加页面:

      • 在docusaurus框架中,页面分成三种:1.page,2.blog,3.doc
    • 案例地址:

· 阅读需 1 分钟
Sébastien Lorber
Yangshun Tay

Docusaurus blogging features are powered by the blog plugin.

Simply add Markdown files (or folders) to the blog directory.

Regular blog authors can be added to authors.yml.

The blog post date can be extracted from filenames, such as:

  • 2019-05-30-welcome.md
  • 2019-05-30-welcome/index.md

A blog post folder can be convenient to co-locate blog post images:

Docusaurus Plushie

The blog supports tags as well!

And if you don't want a blog: just delete this directory, and use blog: false in your Docusaurus config.

· 阅读需 1 分钟
Gao Wei

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elementum dignissim ultricies. Fusce rhoncus ipsum tempor eros aliquam consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet